The leading professional manufacturer of carbomer polymer in global market

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Product Details


posted on:2013/8/9 hits:5990 Belongs to:Personal Care


INCI Name: Carbomer  

NM-Carbomer 996 is a cross-linked polyacrylate polymer. It is used as a high-efficient rheology modifier, capable of providing high  

viscosity, excellent thickening and suspending performance with low-dosage. It is also widely used in O/W lotions and creams as a

favorable suspending agent

Features and Benefits   

 l Short flow properties

 l High viscosity

 l High suspending, thickening and stabilizing ability 

Recommended Applications

 l Hair styling gels

 l Moisturizing gels

 l Bath gels

 l Hand, body and face lotions

 l Creams 

Formula Guidelines

 l Typical recommended dosage at 0.2~1.0 wt %. 

 l To disperse NM-Carbomer940 completely, it should be slowly and carefully sprinkled to dispersion medium while the mix is stirred

rapidly to avoid formation of lumps; extremely high shear rate mixer should be carefully employed to avoid viscosity loss.  

 l The ideal viscosity can be achieved at pH ranges of 5.0~10.0 when neutralized; In a hydoalcoholic system, a correct neutralizer must  

be chosen carefully based on the amount of alcohol to be gelled.    

After neutralization, high-shear and lasting stirring should be avoided to keep stable thickening ability. 

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